im thinking of uploading pics all of the eX members to this blog... lebih kurang tidak mau lah kehilangan mana2 team eX.. and so sad we never had a pic together... sdih juga lah.. tp bru skrg teingat.. haha... dont know why .. but maybe i'll start taking pics.. hehe.... please list up all of eX members here kepada sepa2 yg ingat. sorry lah sya nie mcm ada problem skit mau ingat nama2 org. haha.. tp sya x lpa org tue.. hehe
eX nicks that i remember
eX.Luffy - zul
eX.Nagasaki a.k.a eX.Sadist - jumardi
eX.Goblak a.k.a eX.Nic - nicole (the only DIB in the team ^^ and are very much welcome)
eX.Poloni a.k.a eX.Poopo - farhan a.k.a manja (names database of uitm sabah -.-)
eX.Moonlight - farhan (bising jak nie.. tp main nda jg seberapa)
our separated teams
eX.BhrOrl- franky (oh now i remember !! .. hehe.. thx for telling... oh and this is the team eX MANAGER!! before .. ~~ lolx... ) p/s please put here .. haha
eX.Kira - jub (walaupun mcm jrg dia main ikut team eX but still he is one of the most supportive eX member)
eX._ _ _ _ _ - nizam (ni pun sya lupa.. haha... sorry lah nizam hehe)
our supporters:
Azhar andi tahir (memberi sokongan sepenuhnya ketika bermain dota. walaupun sudah terlimpas silent our.. hehe.. not once not twice.. but more than that.. )
Usman bin Saharun (sentiasa melihat dan menari *kebudayaan* agar kmi sntiasa mnang.. hehe...)
history of eX:
Maybe team ni walaupun mcm behamburan and maybe tidak la se faymes team2 lain tapi we are proud to be eX since motive main nie bkn utk kejar fame but for fun and most of all to keep our bonds together.. walaupun sudah sedia maklum lah lepas nie maybe team eX will surely bubar and watsoever.. tp kalau boleh kita teruskan di garena..
oh enough of the coretan2 melalut... history of eX
team nie ditubuhkan ketika main di cluster B bilik B2202 uitm sabah. mula2 nie main besa2 jak lah.. tp suddenly kami kena bwa main dgn satu team... Ms yg bermaksud Moonstrike so kami pun mcm terasa sudah smpai masa kmi kasi nama lah ..hahha.. tidak mau kalah. haha.. so fikir2 apa nama yg best... kebetulan sya (gabs) bru jak beli jacket and bju eX haha.. trus jak nama eX itu timbul.. mula2.. mcm main2 jak.. tp lpas tue mcm cntik bila npk nama eX kluar ktika main so terbentuk lah eX secara tidak sngaja.. and it is no accident.. proud to have it .. and now mana2 team dota UiTM sabah can come and challenge us.. haha.. accepting challenge any teams.. except yg sudah international lah.. tp kalau ada pluang apa salahnya..
mcm best pla nie menaip2 nie tau.. haha.. tp kalau rajin sjalah. hehe..
for now eX will only play when there is time and we will as always be low profile.. :)
Nikmat Allah yang mana hendak kau dustakan
kisah subuh yang terfikir hingga kini~
Nikmat *Allah* yang mana hendak kau dustakan.
"solat lebih baik daripada tidur" "solat lebih baik daripada tidur"...
10 years ago
eX.Chasau, eX.BhrOrl.. huhu...
ReplyDeleteB2202, i know whos room is that.. i dun have to tell rite?? ahaks..
anyway, i miss eX so much, especially that one me n zul go and take tables from BSClB, and the we go buy breakfast in IP.. really miss that moment.. i wish i can have that here.. and yeah, it's good to keep on dreaming FRANKY.. You will never have such moment here in arau..
hahaha.... its b2202 and b3302... dont forget... and hell yeah... we here are nt going to have that moment.. though i still bring my car and so on.. but maybe just maybe.. hehe... tidak lg ada.. since mcm xda sudah brapa kmi ska kluar haha.. oh there is soo many sweet moments though... haha... dlu2 tue fun fame stupidity cleverness and so on laa kluar bah .. hahaha